From the beginning, this congregation has been a participant in the Restoration Movement, an effort directed at Christian unity, based upon a return to the Scripture as the only necessary guide to religious faith and practice.
For several years before the First World War, The Christian church building was the only one in town and was shared by several denominations. To this day we strive to be a non-denominational fellowship, “Not the only Christians, but Christians only.” The first minister held a gospel meeting in the old courthouse that stood in the center of the town square. Several were converted to simple New Testament Christianity and a congregation was organized in the year of 1864.
On May 21, 1865, the membership met in the courthouse for the first service. The original building was built about 1870 on the plot first laid out in 1827. The old building was rectangular in shape, occupying nearly the same area as this present auditorium. It was originally a large sanctuary and vestibule with two doors leading down the building’s two aisles. As the church grew, the vestibule was deleted to make room for more pews. Heat was provided by two sheet iron stoves that sat on the left and right of the sanctuary. It was lit by gasoline lanterns that had to be taken down for filling and ignition. In the late 1920’s, four Sunday School classrooms were added to the back of the building. A baptistery was constructed in the largest of the classrooms. Though adequate in its day, the building was dated and in need of repair after 80 years of service.
Realizing the need for a new and improved building the congregation stepped out on faith and began a building fund. After deliberation and much prayer, the project was begun in the year of 1951. Much of the labor was donated by church members with a generous assistance from workers then laboring on the Wolf Creek Dam project on the Cumberland River. During the demolition of the old building and construction of the new, church services were held in the courthouse and Jamestown School.
The project was completed in 1952. A dedication service was held on November 27. The church building has been in continuous use since its completion with only minor alterations until 1994 when some remodeling was done to the sanctuary.
We realize that the true church is not a building of brick and wood, but is comprised of people, “living stones” collectively built into the temple of God. Many saints have been associated with the Jamestown Christian Church over the years. We could not attempt to list all who have labored in this place.
Today we honor those who have gone before us. We look back upon past accomplishments with a sense of joy and fulfillment, but we trust that with God’s blessing, our greatest challenges and accomplishments are in the future.