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OSM Vision: Live Purposefully, Love Recklessly, and Serve Constantly



Youth Group

Wednesday from 6:00-7:30

Youth Group is a time for students to come together with other students near their age and "do life" together. This may be sharing stories where they saw God at work. This is designed to build each student through fellowship with other students and adult leaders.


Sometimes we feel like we are going through things in life all on our own, Youth Group helps students to realize that we are not alone in our walk with Christ, and that sometimes others could be struggling with the exact same thing we are.




OSM on Wednesday nights are 6-7:30pm with a meal at 5:30pm.

OSM Sunday Morning Worship is 9:45-11:45pm. 

Get Involved

If you would like more information about OSM or you would like to be involved whether serving or attending, you can contact Nathan at 270-566-5523 or .


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