Birthdate: March 26, 1977
When did you start at JCC? August 1, 2015
What songs are on your I-Phone? At any given time, you can find any kind of music on my I-Phone. I love all kinds of music, from Bon Jovi to Chris Stapleton and from Taylor Swift to Toby Mac. If you are around me long, you’ll know that I love music!
What do you like to do with your free time? I love to play golf, be with my family, boat on beautiful Lake Cumberland, and do anything else that allows me to be out in God’s creation!
What’s your favorite food? Look at me! I love it all, but, my all time favorite would be a great steak and baked potato.
Why do you love JCC? I have been in many places where I’ve felt God’s love, but I can assure you of this, there has been none greater than at JCC. God’s love radiates through His people here and they are “All In” for Jesus!
Birthdate: January 10, 1954
When did you start at JCC? June 24, 2002
What songs are on your I-Phone? No I-Phone, but would be Bob Seger songs.
What do you like to do with your free time? I don’t have any.
What’s your favorite food? Cracker Barrel French Toast
Why do you love JCC? I consider it my family.
Birthdate: August 26, 1997
When did you start at JCC? June 1, 2020
What songs are on your i-phone? Anything from country to Lauren Daigle.
What do you like to do with your free time? Being outside, hiking, kyaking, & being on the water. I also like to read.
What is your favorite food? Chicken... Italian is second.
Why do you love JCC? There's no love like JCC love. That was confirmed very quickly. The people at JCC show Jesus' love so well and I could not be more blessed to be a part of that.