The Mission of the Church is Missions!
The final words of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of Matthew state “therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” These words teach us that THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH IS MISSIONS! Jamestown Christian Church is blessed with a wonderful MISSION TEAM. We thank the MISSION TEAM for their leadership and service. Pray for them and encourage them! We also thank every member at JCC for your generous financial gifts to the Lord’s church. Your gifts make our missions program possible. Remember THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH IS MISSIONS.
I.D.E.S. - International Disaster and Emergency Services
Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, famines, wars, hurricanes, mass shootings, etc. All bring sudden death, injuries, destruction of property, disruption of life, sorrow and great needs. We’re sure that you are deeply touched when you hear news of these events. The big question is “How can I help?” I. D. E. S. (International Disaster and Emergency Services) helps us by providing a good answer to our questions concerning sending meaningful help. I.D.E.S. brings the resources of hundreds of Christian Churches all across America. We are glad that Jamestown Christian is a part of this compassionate group. I.D.E.S. is our newest mission project. A part of your Sunday offering goes to helping those with such urgent needs. It’s a good feeling to know that when we hear of these tragedies that real help is on the way. This help is always given in the name of Jesus Christ.
PRINCE OF PEACE HOME FOR GIRLS in San Cristobal, Guatemala
Bro. Jason Walters introduced us to this outstanding mission. He has been a part of two mission trips to the girls home.
The Prince of Peace Home for Girls is in it’s 25th year of service to fulfill the command found in James 1:27 “...look after orphans and widows in their distress...” They do this by providing a loving home for the homeless girls of Guatemala. They seek to introduce each girl to a personal, saving relationship to Jesus Christ and to facilitate their spiritual growth toward a full devotion to God. The loving caregivers at Prince of Peace make sure that each girl receives spiritual, physical, educational and emotional support.
It is because of your generous giving each Sunday that we are able to send Prince of Peace gifts of support.
Our congregation is blessed to have a large number of WHITE MILLS CHRISTIAN CAMP “Graduates” who are active members. Camp gave them a great Biblical foundation on which to build their lives. They have the treasure of “Precious Camp Memories”. These memories include friends, games, Bible dramas, swimming, talent nights, prayer circles, and even pranks. The good news is that White Mills Christian Camp is still going and growing. The camp is open the entire year hosting retreats, Boy Scouts, picnics, conferences, and community activities. Last year almost 7,000 used the camp. The camp is included in our yearly mission budget. Thanks for your offerings each Sunday. It is your gifts that make White Mills Christian Camp possible.